Thursday, May 18, 2006

Increasing Reservations - That's NOT a solution

The government seems to be talking of increasing the seats for open category so as to push through increased reservations. All this towards what ends? More votes? More support for the Thakur from MP? what is gonna be achieved in the end?
Our top instituions are anyways splitting at the seams. The infrastructure in our institutes is crumbling. How are they planning to increase the number of seats without any changes in the infrastructure? Or will everything magically happen overnight? In all probability they'll just stuff a larger number of students, like chickens waiting to be slaughtered, in places which are too small for them.
Increasing the number of seats is not a solution- it's merely compounding the problem. Two wrongs dont make a right. This is not algebra. It's the death of higher education as we know it.
Lets not fall for this bait. I appeal to all YFE members, supporters and the student community in general to continue their offensive against this policy of dividing our generation along caste lines.
And its not merely a question of inadequate infrastructure. This reservation policy is inherently flawed, unjust and is being implemented in the most undemocratic manner. There is absolutely no way of justifying rerservations unless they are on economic grounds.
How is this reservation going to help? If a deserving candidate from the open category is denied a seat in favour of a student with lower marks but with a caste certificate, wont the deserving candidate harbour feelings of animosity against the reserved guy?? Surely, mandal II is only going to increase discontent and further divide us. What a SHAME!


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